पूर्वोत्तर क्षेत्रीय जल तथा भूमि प्रबंधन संस्थान

(नेरिवालम), तेजपुर

जल संसाधन, नदी विकास और गंगा कायाकल्प विभाग, जल शक्ति मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के अधीन एक संस्थान

Jal Kranti Abhiyan
आज़ादी का अमृत महोत्सव: बाहरी वेबसाइट जो एक नए टैब में खुलती है
ITUWTSA : बाहरी वेबसाइट जो एक नए टैब में खुलती है

Tender Ref. No. / Office Order No. Name of Tender Date of Issue Date of Submission File Size File Format Download Link
NRWM/CONSTN/PT-1/259/LABBLDG/2022-23 (Comp. No. 294893) dated 18.02.2025 (Notice inviting e-tender through GeM Portal) Notice inviting e-tender through GeM for supply of furniture for the Administrative & Laboratory Building of NERIWALM.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5945097 dated: 19.02.2025

18.02.2025 As per GeM Portal 10.1 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/S.Sc/SurveyingLab/06/2024-2025 dated 18.02.2025 (GeM Bid Document) GeM Bid Document for the procurement of Surveying Lab Instruments.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5962982 dated: 18.02.2025

18.02.2025 As per GeM Portal 130 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/RF/23/DEV-1/PART-1/2023-24 dated 17.02.2025 Comp No. 288966 (Notice Inviting e-Tender through CPP Portal) Notice inviting e-tender through CPP Portal for construction of low pressure (Hume-Hydrant) Irrigation System and supporting structure along with the conduit type irrigation canal integrated with low maintenance volumetric flow metering equipment in the Research Farm of NERIWALM.

CPP Tender ID Number: 2025_NERIW_849704_1 dated: 18.02.2025

17.02.2025 As per CPP Portal 10.1 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/WRE/90/DAS/2023-24 dated 31.01.2025 (GeM Bid Document) GeM Bid Document for the procurement of Office Furniture.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5892942 dated: 31.01.2025

31.01.2025 As per GeM Portal 102 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/WRE/101/CCL/2024-2025 dated 31.01.2025 (GeM Bid Document) GeM Bid Document for the procurement of items for Climate Change Lab.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5895144 dated: 31.01.2025

31.01.2025 As per GeM Portal 130 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/COMP/78/2022-23 dated 21.01.2025 (GeM Bid Document) GeM Bid Document for the procurement of Network Firewall.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5848995 dated: 21.01.2025

21.01.2025 As per GeM Portal 85 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/326/IV(SPL)/2024-25 dated 21.01.2025 Comp No. 291447 (Notice Inviting e-Tender through CPP Portal) Notice inviting e-tender through CPP Portal for Repair and Renovation of Unit-3 (FF) & Unit-1 (GF) of Type-IV (Special) Residential Quarter of NERIWALM.

CPP Tender ID Number: 2025_NERIW_845577_1 dated: 22.01.2025

21.01.2025 As per CPP Portal 40.8 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/WRE/WRLE/69/2022-23 dated 17.01.2025 (GeM Bid Document) GeM Bid Document for the procurement of Fiber reinforced plastic H fume, FRP Replogle Flume ot Trapezoidal weirs etc.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5834247 dated: 17.01.2025

17.01.2025 As per GeM Portal 176 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/263/2024-25 dated 17.01.2025 Comp No. 290583 (Notice Inviting e-Tender through CPP Portal) Notice inviting e-tender through CPP Portal for Numbering of Assets of NERIWALM.

CPP Tender ID Number: 2025_NERIW_845017_1 dated: 17.01.2025

17.01.2025 As per CPP Portal 2.49 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/COMP/76/2022-23 dated 15.01.2025 (GeM Bid Document) GeM Bid Document for the procurement of Desktop Computer (02 nos.), Antivirus (02 users License), UPS 01 KVA (06 nos.), Scanner cum Laser Black & White Printers (08 nos.) and External Portable SSD (02 nos.) with 02 TB storage capacity each.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5816417 dated: 15.01.2025

15.01.2025 As per GeM Portal 115 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/RF/22/2021-22 dated 13.01.2025 (GeM Bid Document) GeM Bid Document for the procurement of Dragon Fruit support structure Pole and Ring.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5805413 dated: 13.01.2025

13.01.2025 As per GeM Portal 84.8 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/WS/1/PT-V/2022-23 (Comp. No. 287954) dated 06.01.2025 (Notice inviting e-tender through GeM Portal) Notice inviting e-tender through GeM for procurement of water supply fittings materials for maintenance work of NERIWALM Campus.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5788094 dated: 06.01.2025

06.01.2025 As per GeM Portal 9.92 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/265/2024-25/1054 dated 16.12.2024 (Notice Inviting Auction through GeM Portal) Notice inviting BID through GeM for Auction for sale of old Assam Type Quarter Type-V of NERIWALM at Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam (Pin-784027) on "As is where is basis."

GeM Auction Id: 17124 dated: 19.12.2024

16.12.2024 As per GeM Portal 5.70 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/RF/23/DEV-1/2023-2024/1062 dated 16.12.2024 (Notice inviting Bid through GeM Portal) Notice inviting BID through GeM for procurement of IOT based smart Micro Irrigation System with installation for Research Farm (1.10 Ha) of NERIWALM.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5717662 dated: 17.12.2024

16.12.2024 As per GeM Portal 1.35 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/WS/04/2024-25/1040 dated 16.12.2024 (Notice Inviting BID through CPP Portal) Notice inviting BID through CPP portal for renovation of Iron removal filteration plant, supplying, fitting & fixing of activated carbon filteration plant, Oxidation chamber and cleaning of Aeration chamber in NERIWALM, Tezpur.

CPP Tender ID Number: 2024_NERIW_839933_1 dated: 16.12.2024

16.12.2024 As per CPP Portal 9.80 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/257/2024-25/1033 dated 13.12.2024 (Notice inviting Expression of Intesrest through CPP Portal) Notice inviting Expression of Interest for Project Management Consultancy (PMC) Services for Infrastructure Development in NERIWALM Campus, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam in the 5th Phase.

CPP Tender ID Number: 2024_NERIW_839273_1 dated: 13.12.2024

13.12.2024 As per CPP Portal 6.38 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/325/BEAUTIFICATION/2024-25/1008 dated 05.12.2024 (Notice Inviting BID through CPP Portal) Notice inviting BID through CPP portal for providing Iron square bar fencing with gate along the main road and sub-way in Type-IV (Special) residential building and providing wall between the residential building and International Hostel in NERIWALM Campus, Tezpur.

CPP Tender ID Number: 2024_NERIW_838149_1 dated: 06.12.2024

05.12.2024 As per CPP Portal 9.82 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/105/2022-23/1016 dated 05.12.2024 (Notice inviting Bid through GeM Portal) Notice inviting Bid through GeM for refilling of Fire Extinguisher at Admin. Building, Auditorium, and Trainees Hostel of NERIWALM.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5670519 dated: 06.12.2024

05.12.2024 As per GeM Portal 3.99 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/SWTL/49/A/2023-24 dated 05.12.2024 (GeM Bid Document) GeM Bid Document for the procurement of Laboratory Chemicals at NERIWALM.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5663738 dated: 05.12.2024

05.12.2024 As per GeM Portal 306 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ELECT/14/2024-25/949 dated 25.11.2024 (Notice Inviting BID through CPP Portal) Notice inviting BID through CPP portal for supply and installation of 10 HP Pump set in WTP, Power cable in Trainees Hostel, Pump House, Earth Station in Pump House etc.

CPP Tender ID Number: 2024_NERIW_837560_1 dated: 02.12.2024, Last date of Bid submission: 26.12.2024

25.11.2024 As per CPP Portal 26.9 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/114/PT-II/2021-22/941 dated 25.11.2024 (Notice inviting Bid through GeM Portal) Notice inviting Bid through GeM for procurement of Electrical Materials for Maintenance Work of Residential Quarters, Auditorium, RCC Lab. Bldg., Admin. Blgd., Trainees Hostel, Pump House etc.

GeM Bid Number: 5651841 dated: 26.11.2024

25.11.2024 As per GeM Portal 25.9 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/319/AUCTION/LAB-BLDG/2023-24/934 dated 25.11.2024 (Notice Inviting Auction through GeM Portal) Notice inviting BID through GeM for Auction for the sale of old Assam type Laboratory Building of NERIWALM at Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam, Pin-784027 on 'as is where is basis'.

GeM Auction Id: 16618 dated: 25.11.2024

25.11.2024 As per GeM Portal 16.7 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/255/2023-24/865 dated 11.11.2024 (Notice Inviting Auction through GeM Portal) Notice inviting BID through GeM Auction for sale of unserviceable Laboratory items, Furniture, Appliances, Digital items of NERIWALM, Dolabari, Tezpur.

GeM Auction Id: 16458 dated: 18.11.2024

11.11.2024 As per GeM Portal 18.7 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/242/PT-I/Lead Acid Battery/2022-23/874 dated 11.11.2024 (Notice Inviting Auction through GeM Portal) Notice inviting BID through GeM Auction for sale of unserviceable Lead Acid & SMF Batteries of NERIWALM.

GeM Auction Id: 16462 dated: 19.11.2024

11.11.2024 As per GeM Portal 13.7 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/N.LAB/BLDG/01/2023-24 dated 23.10.2024 (GeM Bid Document) GeM Bid Document for the procurement of Video Conferencing System for New Conference Room at RCC Laboratory Building.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5534202 dated: 23.10.2024

23.10.2024 As per GeM Portal 106 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ELECT/14/2024-25/780 dated 03.10.2024 (Notice Inviting BID through CPP Portal) Notice inviting BID through CPP portal for supply and installation of 10 HP Pump set in WTP, Power cable in Trainees Hostel, Pump House etc.

CPP Tender ID Number: 2024_NERIW_829135_1 dated: 04.10.2024

03.10.2024 As per CPP Portal 31.2 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/COMP/68/2021-22 dated 27.09.2024 (GeM Bid Document) GeM Bid Document for the procurement of 30 nos. of Ergonomic (Revolving) Chairs for the Computer Laboratory.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5438378 dated: 27.09.2024

27.09.2024 As per GeM Portal 102 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/R&M/258/2024-25/745 dated 23.09.2024 (Notice Inviting BID Through GeM Portal) Notice inviting BID through GeM for Repairing of Godrej Conference Table (Senate Conference Table) of Conference Room of Administrative Building of NERIWALM, Tezpur, Assam.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5434625 dated: 24.09.2024

23.09.2024 As per GeM Portal 6.09 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/R&M/258/2024-25/738 dated 23.09.2024 (Notice Inviting BID Through GeM Portal) Notice inviting BID through GeM for Repairing of Godrej range furniture of NERIWALM, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5433554 dated: 24.09.2024

23.09.2024 As per GeM Portal 6.77 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/LAB.BLDG/320/2023-24/660 dated 04.09.2024 (Notice Inviting BID through CPP Portal) Notice inviting BID through CPP Portal for Expression of Interest (EOI) in Project Management Consultancy (PMC) Services

CPP Tender ID Number: 2024_NERIW_824605_1 dated: 05.09.2024

04.09.2024 As per CPP Portal 6.42 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/COMP/68/2021-22 dated 27.09.2024 (Notice Inviting BID through GeM Portal) GeM Bid Document for the procurement of 30 nos. of Ergonomic (Revolving) Chairs for the Computer Laboratory.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5438378 dated: 27.09.2024

27.09.2024 As per GeM Portal 120 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/R&M/258/2024-25/745 dated 23.09.2024 (Notice Inviting BID through GeM Portal) Notice inviting BID through GeM for Repairing of Godrej Conference Table (Senate Conference Table) of Conference Room of Administrative Building of NERIWALM, Tezpur, Assam.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5434625 dated: 24.09.2024

23.09.2024 As per GeM Portal 6.09 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/R&M/258/2024-25/738 dated 23.09.2024 (Notice Inviting BID through GeM Portal) Notice inviting BID through GeM for Repairing of Godrej range furniture of NERIWALM, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5433554 dated: 24.09.2024

23.09.2024 As per GeM Portal 6.77 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/LAB.BLDG/320/2023-24/660 dated 04.09.2024 (Notice Inviting BID through CPP Portal) Notice inviting BID through CPP Portal for Expression of Interest (EOI) in Project Management Consultancy (PMC) Services

CPP Tender ID Number: 2024_NERIW_824605_1 dated: 05.09.2024

04.09.2024 As per CPP Portal 6.42 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/263/2024-25/643 dated 02.09.2024 (Notice Inviting BID through CPP Portal) Notice inviting BID through CPP Portal for Numbering of Assets of NERIWALM

CPP Tender ID Number: 2024_NERIW_824318_1 dated: 03.09.2024

02.09.2024 As per CPP Portal 2.48 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/LAB.BLDG/320/2023-24/460 dated 30.07.2024 (Notice Inviting BID through CPP Portal) Notice inviting BID through CPP Portal for Project Management Consultancy (PMC) Services for: (i) Providing Floor Tiles, False Ceiling on the top floor of the RCC Laboratory Building including providing partition wall etc. (ii) Furnishing of the RCC Laboratory Building of the NERIWALM, Tezpur, Assam

CPP Tender ID Number: 2024_NERIW_819063_1 dated: 30.07.2024

30.07.2024 As per CPP Portal 7.75 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/RCCLABBLDG/322/2023-24/372 dated 22.07.2024 (Notice Inviting BID through CPP Portal) Notice inviting BID through CPP Portal for providing of Aluminium Partition with Door in Fume Hood Room, Microbiology Room, AAS Room, Soil Sample Room etc.

CPP Tender ID Number: 2024_NERIW_817882_1 dated: 23.07.2024

22.07.2024 As per CPP Portal 9.97 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/117/PT-III/2022-23 dated 05.07.2024 (Notice Inviting BID Through GeM) Notice BID through GeM for procurement of Split Air Conditioner including Green AC, Wall Mount Type (V2) (Q2)

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5131005 dated: 05.07.2024

05.07.2024 As per GeM 111 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/MISE/08/AMC/2024-25/275 dated 02.07.2024 (Notice Inviting BID Through GeM) Notice BID through GeM for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for (I) All inclusive comprehensive operation and cleaning of Administrative Building, Laboratory Building etc.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5119300 dated: 03.07.2024

02.07.2024 As per GeM 10.5 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/266/2022-23 dated 15.06.2024 (Notice Inviting BID Through GeM) Notice Inviting BID through GeM for Procurement of PVC Toilet Connection Pipe, Chromium painted over metal Bib Cock etc.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5053166 dated: 15.06.2024

15.06.2024 As per GeM 97.9 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/114/Pt-II/2021-22 dated 15.06.2024 (Notice Inviting BID Through GeM) Notice inviting BID through GeM for procurement of Hexagonal Full Threaded Stainless Steel Nut and Bolt, 100 Amperes 4 Pole isolator etc.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5052518 dated: 15.06.2024

15.06.2024 As per GeM 98.0 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ADM/642/2024-25/4182 dated 11.02.2024 (Notice Inviting BID Through GeM) Notice Inviting BID through GeM for Procurement of Furniture

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5037920 dated: 11.06.2024

11.06.2024 As per GeM 119 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/172/PT-VII/2023-24/4182 dated 15.02.2024 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for Internal and External Electrical Installation and operation of DG Sets & Pump in NERIWALM Campus at Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/4645099 dated: 15.02.2024

15.02.2024 As per GeM 15.1 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ACCTT/GIA-ACCOUNTS/80/2023-24/4125 dated 06.02.2024 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Audit of NERIWALM Accounts for the Financial Year for the year 2023-24

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/4618714 dated: 12.02.2024

12.02.2024 As per GeM 7.98 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/323/BEYOND MASTER PLAN/2023-24/4060 dated 02.02.2024 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender (Technical & Financial Part) for Project Management Consultancy (PMC) Services for various construction activities in NERIWALM Campus through CPP Portal

CPP Tender ID Number: 2024_NERIW_793606_1 dated: 02.02.2024)

02.02.2024 As per CPP Portal 7.53 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ACCTT/CA/60/TENDER/2021-22/5404 dated 30.01.2024 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Audit of NERIWALM Project Account for Financial Year for the year 2022-23.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/4564821 dated: 01.02.2024)

01.02.2024 As per GeM 8.12 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ACCTT/Corpus Fund/59/2015-16/5361 dated 29.01.2024 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Audit of NERIWALM Project Account for the year 2022-23

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/4563837 dated: 01.02.2024)

29.01.2024 As per GeM 7.79 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ACCTT/CA/60/TENDER/2020-22/2415 dated 19.12.2023 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Audit of NERIWALM Project Account for the year 2022-23

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/4370609 dated: 20.12.2023)

19.12.2023 As per GeM 5.97 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/LIB/3/2023-24/2773 dated 14.12.2023 (CORRIGENDUM) Corrigendum is issued to the Notice UInviting e-Tender No.NRWM/LIB/3/2023-24/3878-3884 dated 14.11.2023 for the procurement "supply of books for NERIWALM Libray"

CPP PORTAL Number: 2023_NERIW_781245_1

14.12.2023 As per cpp portal 324 KB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/260/2021-22/4296 dated 04.12.2023 (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM) Notice Inviting Bid through GeM for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for cleaning, brooming, dusting and sweeping of RCC Laboratory Building in NERIWALM Campus at Dolabari, Tezpur

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/4296776 dated: 05.12.2023)

04.12.2023 As per GeM 11.9 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ACCTT/Corpus Fund/59/2015-16/4240dated 01.12.2023 (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM) Notice Inviting Bid through GeM for Audit of NERIWALM Corpus Fund for Financial Year 2022-23

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/4276535 dated: 01.12.2023)

01.12.2023 As per GeM 6.48 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/253/FURNITURE/2023-24/4055 dated 22.11.2023 (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM) Notice Inviting Bid through GeM for procurement of movable furniture for RCC Laboratory Building of NERIWALM, Tezpur, Assam

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/4241456 dated: 22.11.2023)

22.11.2023 As per GeM 7.70 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/WRE/90/DAS/2023-24/4097dated 22.11.2023 (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM) Notice Inviting Bid through GeM for procurement of Furnitures for Academic Section of NERIWALM

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/4245469 dated: 22.11.2023)

22.11.2023 As per GeM 6.56 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/LIB/3/2023-24/3882 dated 14.11.2023 (Notice Inviting Bids Through CPP) Notice Inviting Bid through CPP for supply of Books for NERIWALM Library

CPP number: 2023_NERIW_781245_1

14.11.2023 As per CPP portal 10.0 MB PDF यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/Const/300/WomenHostel/Furniture/2021-22/3011dated 21.09.2023  (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM) Notice Inviting Bid through GeM for Furnishing of Trainees Hostel of NERIWALM

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/4011016 dated: 26.09.2023)

21.09.2023 As per GeM यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/THGH/AMC/22/2022-23/3028 dated 21.09.2023  (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM) Notice Inviting Bid through GeM for Providing Housekeeping and Catering Services in Trainees Hostel, Assam Type Guest House, Boy's Host4el (RCC Type-II, Block -I) RCC Type -IV) (Special Unit-I & III) at NERIWALM, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/4007266 dated: 25.09.2023)


21.09.2023 As per GeM यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/242/PT-I/Lead Acid Batter/2022-23/2890   dated 18.09.2023 (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM) Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM for Auction for sale of Unserviceable Lead Acid & SMF Batteries  of NERIWALM.

GeM Auction ID: 7627 dated: 22.09.2023

18.09.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
No.NRWM/VEH/HIRE/19/PT-1/2022-23/2926 dated 19.09.2023 (NOTICE INVITING BIDS THROUGH GeM) Notice Inviting Bids through GEM for providing vehicle Hiring Service on call basis with Driver and POL in NERIWALM, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam, PIN:784027 .

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/3991138 dated: 21.09.2023)

19.09.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/COMP/79/2023-24/2869 dated 14.09.2023  (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM) Notice Inviting Bid through GeM for Scanning and digitizing of physical files and documents for eOffice, upto a period of last 10 years including  minor works before scanning such as dusting, stapling page numbering ironing of  NERIWALM , Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam, PIN:784027.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/396834 dated: 15.09.2023)

14.09.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/251/2023-24/268 dated 08.09.2023 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Construction of Rain Water Harvesting Unit in Trainees Hostel of NERIWALM. CPPP eprocurement Tender ID:   2023_NERIW_770982_1 )  08.09.2023 04.10.2023 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/105/2022-23/1172 dated 29.08.2023  (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM) Notice Inviting Bid through GeM for Refilling of Fire Extinguishers of   NERIWALM , Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam, PIN:784027.

GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/3898276 dated: 31.08.2023)



29.08.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/Const/240/2023-24/1016 dated 16.08.2023  (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM) Notice Inviting Bid through GeM for Repairing of old Sofa Set, Dining Chair, Bed and Varnishing /Polishing of Wooden Member etc. of Trainees Hostel and Guest House of  NERIWALM , Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam, PIN:784027. GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/3784884 dated: 17.08.2023)   16.08.2023 As per GeM Portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/VEH/HIRE/19/Pt-I/2022-23/818   dated 04.08.2023 (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM) Notice Inviting Bids through GeM for Providing Vehicle Hiring Service on Call Basis with Driver and POL  to NERIWALM , Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam, PIN:784027.GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/3788138 dated: 04.08.2023)   04.08.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/Const/276/pt-I/2022-23/746 dated 24.07.2023  (Notice ) Notice for information of all bidders that Bid submission for GeM Bid No. GEM/2023/B/3596479 dtd. 21.06.2023 for "for Hiring of Architect/Architectural Firm for Consultancy Services for various works (Civil, Electrical & Water Supply, Landscaping , Campus  Development etc.) in NERIWALM Campus at Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam is extended till 31.07.2023 11.00AM. 24.07.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/242/PT-I/2022-23/1769   dated 17.07.2023 (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM) Notice Inviting Bids through GeM for Auction for Sale of Unserviceable Lead Acid & SMF Batteries of NERIWALM. (GeM Auction ID:6559) 17.07.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/317/INFRA(3rd PHASE)/2023-24/685 dated 12.07.2023 (Notice ) Notice for Technical Bids will be opened on 14.07.2023 at 11.00 AM  in the Administrative Building of NERIWALM (CPPP tender ID_2023_NERIW_756744_1" 12.07.2023   यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/307/WomenHostel/2023-24/1642 Dated : 05.07.2023 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER FOR "PROVIDING IRON  SQUARE BAR FENCING  ALONG THE ROAD AND  CHAIN LINK FENCING  BEHIND THE ASSAM  TYPE WOMEN HOSTEL OF NERIWALM FOR  SECURITY OF THE HOSTEL". (CPPP eprocurement Tender ID:   2023_NERIW_760664_1 )  05.07.2023 07.08.2023 (02:00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/Const/276/pt-I/2022-23/1234 dated 19.06.2023  (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM) Notice Inviting Bids through GeM  for Hiring of Architect/Architectural Firm for Consultancy Services for various works (Civil, Electrical & Water Supply, Landscaping , Campus  Development etc.) in NERIWALM Campus at Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam .GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/3596479 dated: 21.06.2023)   19.06.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/Const/285/2022-23/1061 dated 09.06.2023  (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM) Notice Inviting Bids through GeM  from appropriate registered Firms/Contractors/Company/ Individuals  having experience in providing the service of Manpower/Labour  to  NERIWALM , Dolabari, Tezpur, PIN-784027.GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/3563227 dated: 13.06.2023)   09.06.2023 As per GeM portal   यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/257/2020-21/487    dated 7.06.2023 (Notice Inviting Expression of Interest) Notice Inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) from any Central/state Government Organization /PSU which may be notified by the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) for such purposes for providing' PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY (PMC) SERVICES for Infrastructure Development in NERIWALM Campus, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam               (i) Construction of Boundary wall  and Main Drain of NERIWALM Campus. (ii) Strengthening of old roads, Passages etc of NERIWALM Campus.  (CPPP eprocurement Tender ID:   2023_NERIW_756744_1 )    07.06.2023 04.07.2023 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/265/2022-23/522    dated 09.05.2023 (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM)   Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM for Auction/ sale of old dilapidated Assam Type Building of NERIWALM at Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam PIN:784027 on as is where is basis. GeM Auction ID: 5457 09.05.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
No.NRWM/VEH/HIRE/19/PT-1/2022-23/304 dated 09.05.2023 (NOTICE INVITING BIDS THROUGH GeM) Notice Inviting Bids through GEM for providing vehicle Hiring Service on call basis with Driver and POL in NERIWALM, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam, PIN:784027  GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/343  dated: 10.05.2023) 09.05.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/242/2022-23/391    dated 01.05.2023 (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM)   Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM for Auction for sale of Unserviceable & Scrap materials of NERIWALM. GeM Auction ID: 5385 01.05.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/AMH/3/TENDER/2020-21/2955  dated:28.03.2023  (CORRIGENDUM) Corrigendum is hereby issued in respect of the work "Annual Maintenance Contract  (AMC) for Horticulture & Landscaping at NERIWALM, Tezpur and Maintenance of Horticulture Activity in Research Farm  of NERIWALM Campus" tender  for procurement through GeM portal vide GeM Bid No.GEM/2023/B/3265114  dated: 14.03.2023. 28.03.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
No.NRWM/AMH/3/Tender/2020-21/ 5935 dated 13.03.2023 (NOTICE INVITING BIDS THROUGH GeM) Notice Inviting BIDS through  GeM for "Annual Maintenance Contract  (AMC) for Horticulture & Landscaping at NERIWALM, Tezpur and Maintenance of Horticulture Activity in Research Farm  of NERIWALM Campus". GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/3265114  dated: 14.03.2023) 13.03.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/242/2022-23/5776 dated 27.02.2023 (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM)   Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM for Auction for sale of Unserviceable & Scrap materials of NERIWALM. GeM Auction ID: 4523 27.02.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/260/2021-22/5709 Dated : 22.002.2023 (Notice Inviting Bids Through GeM) Notice Inviting Bids through GeM for "Annual Maintenance Contract for cleaning of Buildings, Roads & Drains in NERIWALM Campus at Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam. (All inclusive comprehensive Operation and Cleaning & Sweeping of Administrative Building, Assam  type Lab. Building, common area of RCC quarters, Security Office, Auditorium Building, Assam Type  Women's Hostel etc. and complete cleaning and brooming of roads, footpath, drains and disposing the garbage, waste as directed and specified by NERIWALM including supply of cleaning materials, toiletries, implements etc.)GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/3211324  dated: 02.03.2023) 22.02.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/313/SOLAR P.P/2022-23/5552 Dated : 16.02.2023 (CORRIGENDUM) Corrigendum is hereby issued in respect of the work "Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Solar Powered Plant 50 KW (Grid Connected) in NERIWALM Campus" tender  for procurement through GeM portal vide GeM Bid No. GEM/2023/B/3092347 dated: 07.02.2023. 16.02.2023   यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/RF/NH/21/2022-23/5302 dated: 14.02.2023 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender  for Earth filling of good quality soil  including spreading and compaction for Polly House of NERIWALM Campus. CPPP eprocurement Tender ID: 2023_NERIW_740607_1) 14.02.2023 09.03.2023 (10.00 AM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/313/SOLAR P.P/2022-23/5216 Dated : 09.02.2023 (CORRIGENDUM) Corrigendum is hereby issued in respect of the work "Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Solar Powered Plant 50 KW (Grid Connected) in NERIWALM Campus" tender  for procurement through GeM portal vide GeM Bid No. GEM/2023/B/3092347 dated: 07.02.2023 09.02.2023   यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/313/SOLAR P.P/2022-23/5216 Dated : 31.01.2023 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Solar Powered Plant 50 KW (Grid Connected) in NERIWALM Campus.  (GeM Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/3092347 dated: 07.02.2023) 31.01.2023 As per GeM portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/316/INFRASTRUCTURE(2ND PHASE)/2022/5193 (Notice Inviting Expression of Interest) Notice Inviting Expression of Interest "PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY (PMC) SERVICES for Infrastructure Development in NERIWALM Campus, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam in the 2ND phase. 30.01.2023 21.02.2023 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/315/DRAIN/2022-23/2482 dated 30.01.2023 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Painting including minor repairing of RCC Type-IV Residential Quarter of NERIWALM. 30.01.2023 24.02.2023 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/MAINS(INFRA)/283/2022-23/2249 dated 29.12.2022 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Painting including minor repairing of RCC Type-IV Residential Quarter of NERIWALM. (CPPP eprocurement Tender ID: 2022_NERIW_732003_1) 29.12.2022 22.01.2023 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NNRWM/CONST/MAINS(INFRA)/283/2022-23/2256 dated 29.12.2022 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Painting including minor repairing of RCC Type-II (Block-II) Residential Quarter of NERIWALM. (CPPP eprocurement Tender ID: 2022_NERIW_731998_1) 29.12.2022 22.01.2023 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/285/2022-23/78626 dated 15.12.2022 (CORRIGENDUM) Corrigendum is hereby issued regarding the EMD and Tender Fee deposit for the work Requirement of Daily wages labour for various works in NERIWALM Campus   procured through GeM Portal vide GeM Bid No. GEM/2022/B/2824887 dtd. 07.12.2022 15.12.2022   यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/121/2022-23/4364 dated 12.12.2022 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Construction of open car parking shed near Hostel in NERIWALM Campus. (CPPP eprocurement Tender ID: 2022_NERIW_728552_1) 12.12.2022 03.01.2023 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/257/2021-22/2054    dated 23.11.2022 (CORRIGENDUM) Corrigendum for issued on the format of the Price Bid Schedule (Financial Bid) with regards to the Expression of Interest (EOI) No. NRWM/Const/257/2020-21/ 3766-3774 dtd. 01.11.2022 (Tender ID: 2022_NERIW_721172_1) 23.11.2022   यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/127/2022-23/4086 dated 21.11.2022 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) NOTICE INVITING eTENDER FOR  REPAIRING OF DAMAGED BOUNDARY WALL ALONG THE NORTHERN SIDE OF THE CAMPUS TO CHECK THE THEFT OF GOVT. PROPERTIES . (CPPP eprocurement Tender ID:  2022_NERIW_724877_1 )  21.11.2022 14.12.2022 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/257/2020-21/3781 dated:01.11.2022 (NOTICE INVITING EXPRESS OF INTEREST) Expression of Interest (EOI) from any Central/state Government Organization /PSU which may be notified by the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) for such purposes for providing' PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY (PMC) SERVICES for Infrastructure Development in NERIWALM Campus, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam
(i) Construction of International Hostel cum Guest House (Civil, Electrical & Plumbing works) (ii) Construction of Director's Quarter (Civil, Electrical & Plumbing works) (iii) Construction of Professor's Quarter. (Civil, Electrical & Plumbing works) (CPPP eprocurement Tender ID: 2022_NERIW_707561_1 ) )
01.11.2022 02.12.2022 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/242/2020-21/3426 dated 14.10.2022 Notice Inviting Bids through GeM for Auction for sale of Unserviceable Lead Acid Batteries of NERIWALM 14.10.2022 As per GeM Portal यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/242/2020-21/1781 dated:12.10.2022 Corrigendum for Auction Bids invited vide GeM ID No 2294 12.10.2022 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/TD/01/2022-23/3351 dated 12.10.2022 NOTICE INVITING eTENDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF VERMI COMPOST AND ALLIED STORE FOR TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATION FARM IN NERIWALM CAMPUS. (CPPP eprocurement Tender ID: 2022_NERIW_717649_1 ) 12.10.2022 05.11.2022 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/242/2020-21/3212 dated 28.09.2022(ADDENDUM) Addendum for Auction Bids invited through GeM Auction of Lead Batteries and Unserviceable & Scrap Material (GeM Auction ID No. 2414 & 2294) 28.09.2022 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/305/2022-23/2530 dated 19.08.2022(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting eTender for Construction of drain for disposal of back water from the Water Treatment Plant to the main drain along the boundary wall in NERIWALM Campus. (CPPP eprocurement Tender ID: 2022_NERIW_707561_1 ) 19.08.2022 14.09.2022 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/307/Women Hostel/2022-23/2261 dated 02.08.2022(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting eTender for Construction of approach with gate and frontage development & beautification works of newly constructed women hostel of NERIWALM(CPPP eprocurement Tender ID: 2022_NERIW_704897_1 ) 02.08.2022 26.08.2022 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/298/AUDITORIUM/2021-22/2187 dated 27.07.2022(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Construction of cement concrete pavement along the periphery of the Auditorium of NERIWALM (CPPP eprocurement Tender ID: 2022_NERIW_703544_1 ) 27.07.2022 18.08.2022 (5.00PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/285/2022-23 dated 27.05.2022(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Empanelment of contractor for supply of labour/manpower to NERIWALM , Dolabari, Tezpur, PIN-784027 for General /Electrical and Agricultural related works (Category: Highly skilled, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled) (CPPP eprocurement Tender ID: 2022_NERIW_691708_1 ) 27.05.2022 21.06.2022 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/RES/86/2021-22/338 dated 22.04.2022(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for "Conducting Semi-Detailed Soil Survey & Irrigation Planning for the Command Area towards preparation of detailed project reports of Haora and Champaicherra Reservoir Schemes" 22.04.2022 16.05.22 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/301/AUDITORIUM/2021-22/4575 dated 01.04.2022 (CORRIGENDUM) Corrigendum for "Notice Inviting Expression of Interest (online) for providing "Project Management Consultancy (PMC) services for up-gradation of Auditorium of NERIWALM at NERIWALM Campus, Dolabari, Kaliabhomora, Tezpur, Assam" 01.04.2022 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/301/AUDITORIUM/2021-22/4477 dated 30.03.2022 (NOTICE INVITING EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (ONLINE)) Notice Inviting Expression of Interest (online) for providing "Project Management Consultancy (PMC) services for up-gradation of Auditorium of NERIWALM at NERIWALM Campus, Dolabari, Kaliabhomora, Tezpur, Assam 30.03.2022 22.04.2022 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/130/2021-22/3501 dated 20.01.2022(CORRIGENDUM) Corrigendum for the rate of performance Security to be deposited by the successful bidder in regards to the NIT(e-Tender) No. NRWM/CONST/130/2021-22/3445 dated 19.01.2022. 20.01.2022 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/130/2021-22/3445 dated 19.01.2022(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Strengthening of existing road at the road junction near Type- IV (Special) residential quarter and the NERIWALM Recreation Club House of NERIWALM Campus with interlocking concrete block. 19.01.2022 17.02.2022 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/Const/285/2019-20/3212 dated 03.01.2022(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Supply of labour/ to NERIWALM, Dolabari, Tezpur PIN-784027 For General/Electrical and Agriculture related works (Category : Highly Skilled, Skilled, Semi-skilled and unskilled) 03.01.2022 25.01.2022 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ACCTT/CA/60/2021-22/4723 dated 23.12.2021 (Notification ) Notification for inviting e-Tender from Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) empanelled Chartered Accountants for Audit & Reconciliation statement of Project, Main and Revenue Accounts of NERIWALM, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam. 23.12.2021 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/RF/20/2018-19/3009 dated 17.12.2021(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice inviting e-Tender for Construction of Bamboo based UV stabilized, insect proof Net House of size 25.00 M x 26.20 M(655.00 Sqmtrs) at back side of Assam Type Guest House in NERIWALM Campus. 17.12.2021 10.01.2022 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/276/2021-22/2974 dated 16.12.2021(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Architectural consultancy services for various works (Civil, Electrical, Water supply, Landscaping, Campus Development, etc) in NERIWALM, at Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam. 16.12.2021 10.01.2022 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ACCTT/CA/60/2021-22/2867-2872 dated 26.10.2021 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notification for inviting e-Tender from Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) empanelled Chartered Accountants for Audit & Reconciliation statement of Project, Main and Revenue Accounts of NERIWALM, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam 09.12.2021 30.12.2021 (5.00PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/RF/20/2018-19/4587 dated 07.12.2021(Notification) Notification for e-Tender for "Construction of Bamboo based UV stabilized, insect proof Net House at back side of Assam Type Guest House in NERIWALM campus. 07.12.2021 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/Training Aids/309/2021-22/4572 dated 07.12.2021(NOTIFICATION ) Notification for e-Tender for "Purchase and installation of furniture's and training aides materials in NERIWALM" 07.12.2021 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/TRAINING AIDS/309/2021-22/2572 dated 22.11.2021(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for purchase and installation of furnitures and training aides materials in NERIWALM, Tezpur 784027, Assam 22.11.2021 14.12.2021 (5.00PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/RF/20/2018-19/2504 dated 16.11.2021(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Construction of Bamboo based UV stabilized, insect proof Net House of size 25.00 M x 26.20 M (655.00 Sqmtrs) at back side of Assam Type Guest House in NERIWALM campus 16.11.2021 09.12.2021 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ACCTT/CA/60/2021-22/4464 dated 11.11.2021 (Notification) Notification for inviting e-Tender from Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) empanelled Chartered Accountants for Audit & Compilation of Project Account of NERIWALM, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam 11.11.2021 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ACCTT/CA/60/2021-22/2146 dated 26.10.2021 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice inviting e-tenders by the Director, NERIWALM, Tezpur from Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) empanelled Chartered Accountants for Audit & Compilation of Project Account of NERIWALM, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam 26.10.2021 15.11.2021 (5.00PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/RF/19/2021-22/4329 dated 21.10.2021(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Establishment of Green House with Automatic Irrigation System for demonstration purpose in NERIWALM, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam, Pin- 784027 21.10.2021 16.11.2021 (5.00PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/117/PT-II/2018-19/1992 dated 20.10.2021(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Supply, Installation Testing and Commissioning of 3.00 TR, 4 star Tower Air Conditioner in NERIWALM, at Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam, Pin-784027 20.10.2021 12.11.2021 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/248/VIDEO CONFERENCE/2021-22 1902 dated 13.10.2021(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Video Conferencing System including Providing, Fitting, Fixing of Acoustic in Administrative Building of NERIWALM at Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam, Pin-784027 13.10.2021 05.11.2021 (5.00PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/298/AUDITORIUM/2020-21/1702 dated 05.10.2021(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Replacement of Roof covering, repairing of Acoustic ceiling of Auditorium of NERIWALM 05.10.2021 29.10.2021 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/231/Pt-VI/2020-21/1567 dated 29.09.2021(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Raising the base of porch including rubbing of Kota floor and painting of the wall, hand rail, wheel guard in the frontage of Auditorium of NERIWALM. 29.09.2021 22.10.2021 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/172/Pt-VI/2020-21/1455 dated 23.09.2021(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Annual Maintenance Contract for internal and external electric installation and operation of DG Sets and Pump in NERIWALM Campus, Tezpur, Assam. 23.09.2021 25.10.2021 (5.00PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/TRAINING AIDS/309/2021-22/1420 dated 23.09.2021(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Purchase and installation of furniture and training aids materials in NERIWALM , Tezpur-784027, Assam 23.09.2021 20.10.2021 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/Maints(Infrastructure)/283/2021-22/1381 dated 22.09.2021(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Painting with minor repairing of the RCC Type-III (Block-II) residential quarters of NERIWALM 22.09.2021 18.10.2021 (5.00PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/ST/240/2021-22/1200 dated: 09.09.2021 (NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Solar Street Light and Solar Water Heater in NERIWALM, Dolabari, Tezpur - 784027. 09.09.2021 01.10.2021 (5.00PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/130/2021-22/1050 dated 06.09.2021(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for Construction of pathway to M. Tech Hostel of NERIWALM 06.09.2021 28.09.2021 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/227/2021-22/879 dated 25.08.2021(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice inviting e-tender for Internal painting with minor repairing including replacement of some Toilet Fittings of Administrative Building of NERIWALM 25.08.2021 17.09.2021 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/227/2021-22/3547 dated 11.06.2021(Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tender for 1. Internal painting with minor repairing including replacement of some Toilet Fittings of Administrative Buildng of NERIWALM. 2. Construction of pathway to M.Tech Student's Hostel of NERIWALM 11.06.2021 09.07.2021 (5.00 PM) यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/271/2020-21/ 3803 dated 28.05.2021(EXTENSION NOTICE) Extension Notice for Annual Maintenance Contract for cleaning of building, internal roads, drains and footpath in NERIWALM Campus at Dolabari, Tezpur,Assam 28.05.2021 07.06.2021 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/58/3764 dated 27.05.2021 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Notice Inviting e-Tenders for (1) Repair and renovation of Assam Type Guest House of NERIWALM and (2) Internal painting with minor repairing and replacement of some Toilet Fittings of Trainee's Hostel of NERIWALM 27.05.2021 25.06.2021 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONST/260/3604 dated 06.05.2021 (Notice Inviting e-Tender) Annual Maintenance Contract for cleaning of building, internal roads, drains and footpath in NERIWALM Campus at Dolabari, Tezpur,Assam 06.05.2021 28.05.2021 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/THGH/16/Part-I/2020-21/548/ dated:02.12.2020 Notice Inviting e-Tenders for "ANNUAL SERVICE FOR CATERING, HOUSE KEEPING AND MAINTENANCE OF TRAINEES' HOSTELS, GUEST HOUSE AND STUDENT'S HOSTEL OF NERIWALM'. 02.12.2020 23.12.2020 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/RES/82/Part-I/2020-21/1694 dated 01.09.2020 (Corrigendum) Corrigendum for Notice Inviting e-Tender for " Semi-Detailed Soil Survey & Irrigation Planning for the Command Area of 06 (six) Proposed Irrigation Schemes namely; Bhuswa, Barkattha, Sonadubi, Bhur, Bhelwa and Khuntishot Reservoir Schemes in Jharkhand 21.08.2020 11.09.2020 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/274/WOMEN'SHOSTEL/2020-21/1636 dated 24/08/2020 Invitation of Expression of Interest for providing PMC services for construction of Assam Type Women hostel of NERIWALM 24.08.2020 28.09.2020 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/RES/82/Part-I/2020-21/8177 dated 21.08.2020 (NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER) Notice Inviting e-Tender for " Semi-Detailed Soil Survey & Irrigation Planning for the Command Area of 06 (six) Proposed Irrigation Schemes namely; Bhuswa, Barkattha, Sonadubi, Bhur, Bhelwa and Khuntishot Reservoir Schemes in Jharkhand 21.08.2020 11.09.2020 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/RES/82/2018-19/4220/ dated 01.01.2020 (NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER) Notice Inviting e-Tender for " Semi-Detail Soil Survey & Irrigation Planning for the Command Area of 4 (four) Irrigation Schemes namely; Birmati Reservoir Scheme (Deoghar), Khudia Reservoir Schemes (Dhanbad), Jamunia and Bareto Reservoir Schemes (Giridih) Jharkhan" 01.01.2020 21.01.2020 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/RESIDUAL/288/2019-20/3613 dated 28.11.2019 (CORRIGENDUM) Corrigendum for Refer to this e-Tender Notice No. NRWM/CONSTN/RESIDUAL/288/2957 dated: 05.11.19 (Tender ID. 2019_NERIW_516869_1), the last date of receipts of ONLINE tender for the work "Supply, installation and commissioning of visual display and control system, exterior development including cafeteria and parking, roofing and associated civil and electrical works of the Auditorium" is extended upto 5.00PM of 04.12.2019 Technical Bids will be opened on 05.12.2019 at 11.00 AM. 28.11.19 04.12.2019 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/RESIDUAL/288/2019-20/3269 dated 18.11.2019 (CORRIGENDUM) Corrigendum for Refer to this e-Tender Notice No. NRWM/CONSTN/RESIDUAL/288/2957 dated: 05.11.19 (Tender ID. 2019_NERIW_516869_1), the quantity of item Sl. No. 2 of A ( Video Display and Control System) may be read as 01 (one) and not 04 (four). Further, the Tender Inviting Authority is Director, NERIWALM, Tezpur and not PWD Building Circle, Tezpur. 18.11.2019 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/RESIDUAL/288/2019-20/3053 dated 11.11.2019 (CORRIGENDUM) Corrigendum for Refer to this e-Tender Notice No. NRWM/CONSTN/RESIDUAL/288/2957 dated: 05.11.19 (Tender ID. 2019_NERIW_516869_1), the quantity of item Sl. No. 2 of A ( Video Display and Control System) may be read as 01 (one) and not 04 (four). 11.11.2019 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/RESIDUAL/288/2019-20/2964 dated 05.11.2019 (NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER) Notice Inviting e-Tender for " Supply, installation and commissioning of visual display and control system, exterior development including cafeteria and parking, roofing and associated civil and electrical works of the Auditorium of NERIWALM, Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam 05.11.2019 29.11.2019 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/172/PT-V/2017-18/1814 dated 22.08.2019 (EXTENSION NOTICE ) Extension Notice for submission of e-Tender for "Annual Maintenance Contract for internal and external electrical installation and operation of DG sets & pump in NERIWALM Campus at Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam 22.08.2019 05.09.2019 यहाँ क्लिक करें
NRWM/CONSTN/231/PT-III/2018-19/1535 dated 05.08.2019 (NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER) Notice Inviting e-Tender for " Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Main Panel Board, underground cable including allied work for operation of DG sets parallel for giving power back-up to auditorium of NERIWALM 05.08.2019 26.08.2019 Click Here
NRWM/CONSTN/172/PT-V/2017-18/1366 dated 29.07.2019 (NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER) Notice Inviting e-Tender for "Annual Maintenance Contract for internal and external electrical installation and operation of DG sets & pump in NERIWALM Campus at Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam 29.07.2019 20.08.2019 Click Here
NRWM/CONSTN/172/PT-V/2017-18/4007 dated 04.02.2019 (NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER) Notice Inviting e-Tender for "Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of electrical, water lifting pump, operation of generators, electrical sub-station, air conditioners" in NERIWALM campus at Dolabari, Tezpur, Assam 04.02.2019 04.03.2019 Click Here